Friday, October 3, 2014

RON 95, petrol and diesel prices up by 20 cents from October 2

Scotland hosted a big vote of its own in September, with 55 per cent of voters opting to reject UK independence.

British Prime Minister David Cameron has loosed a big breath but the Malaysian Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib Razak may not be as lucky as David Cameron.

The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs has announced that prices for RON 95 petrol and diesel will be increased by 20 cents at midnight, October 2.

The new price for RON 95 petrol at the pump will now be RM2.30 per litre, up from current RM2.10 per litre. As for diesel, the price will be increased from RM2.00 per litre to RM2.20 per litre.

The Ministry said in a statement that the actual market price for the fuels as of press time was RM2.58 per litre for RON 95 petrol and RM2.52 for diesel, meaning that with the 20 cents increase, the subsidization of these fuels will be brought down to RM0.28 cents per litre for petrol and RM0.32 cents for diesel.

It added the move is in line with subsidy rationalization plan by the government, and that despite the reduction in subsidies, the government would still need to spend more than RM21 billion to subsidize RON 95, diesel and LPG this year.

Clearly the people are furious about the petrol hike and put the blame on Putrajaya.

The queue spotted at a SHELL petrol station after the petrol price hike announcement.

Look at how the Najib administration is being trolled.

Some of them used social media to express their views on the latest petrol price hike, more with a touch of humour and sarcasm. Some of those I read are as below : -

A Twitter user with the handle @FadhliHamim light-heartedly tweeted that he wanted petrol as part of his wedding dowry.

With the hashtag #hambarminyak, he wrote: "Dengan ini saya isytiharkan hantaran kahwin saya 3 botol ron95 dan satu botol ron97" (With this, I declare that my wedding dowry consists of three bottles of RON95 and a bottle of RON97).

Another user with the Twitter handle @dashxzyang posted: "thx god we have such a good government that raise the petrol price every year", while RANDOM who tweets at @MiorHafizLatif thanked the government for the move which he said contributed to a "harmonious and peaceful society".

A Twitter user who calls himself AA110199™ with the Twitter handle @zulhusni_13, in referring to the numerous 1Malaysia products in the market, called on Prime Minister to come up with Petrol 1Malaysia that charges RM1 per litre for fuel.

"Beras 1malaysia, gula 1malaysia, air 1malaysia, kopi 1malaysia.. Bila abam ajib nk buat petrol 1malaysia.. seliter seriggit" (1Malaysia rice, 1Malaysia sugar, 1Malaysia water, 1Malaysia coffee... when is Najib going to come up with 1Malaysia petrol... RM1 a litre).

Shahril with the handle @shahril511 sarcastically wrote, "Selepas harga minyak RON95 naik...harga minyak angin pun akan menyusul naik...permintaan tinggi..harap maklum" (After the increase of RON95 fuel price, the price of ointment will also go up... high demand... please take note).

Amirul Asraf lamented the fuel hike at his account @amirul6129 by saying: "Tragedi October: ron95 naik 20sen".

The one below is even funnier hahaha.

No doubt, the petrol price hike will bring chain effects soon enough to the rakyat. What's more when the upcoming GST worsens the already-soaring inflation.

What I can foresee is that everything will become more expensive, which will eventually leads to higher crime because the ordinary citizen cannot afford the price hike in everything.

The illustration of most Malaysians

The only thing I can do now is to work hard, save hard and pray hard.

GOD bless me and my beloved family! I wish we can pass these expensive-goods-times well enough.

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